Timber Home Specialist - Project Look Book

A sample of the many stunning homes we have built and renovated in and around Mandurah, Perth and some wider afield...

custom timber home project

Inside this Project Look Book you’ll discover:

  • Why we are Mandurah’s custom, timber home specialist with unrivalled knowledge, experience and craftmanship in building beautiful, timber-frame homes.
  • A small sample of the many homes we have built and renovated in and around Mandurah and Perth over the past 25 years.
  • How our clients use their new homes to live both professional and personally while creatively expressing their unique selves.
  • Inspiration and ideas from some of the projects we’ve completed, you’re sure to find something you love!

About Us

Villy and Alana from Timber Home Specialist have more than 25 years of experience helping people refine their design ideas and bring them to life in a custom timber home, extension, or alteration. Trained the old-school way to build a house from start to finish, they understand and oversee every aspect of your build to ensure premium quality and an enjoyable building experience.

Follow the progress of your build on their online project management system. Or chat to them onsite (they are hands on and involved), over the phone or via email at any time.

Start by downloading this practical guide. And when you’re ready to refine your design, get in touch for a Free Creative Call.

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